Philippine Province

Philippine Province

Kenmei Academy visits Philippine Presentation of Mary Schools

Three high school students from Kenmei Academy in Osaka, Japan visited Holy Cross College of Calinan, (HCCC), Davao City  and Holy Cross of Malita (HCM) Kiasan Branch, Davao Occidental last March 11-12, 2019. The visit was in line with the Philippine Presentation of Mary (PM) Schools Outreach Program.

On the first day, Mimori Yabu, Chinatsu Yoshida, YukiKizaki, all high school students, together with their teacher adviser, Mr. Yasuo Watanabe were gladly welcomed by Kadayawan Festival Dancers and HCCC administrators, faculty, staff and students.  The Japanese visitors were accompanied by two (2) PM Sisters, Sr. Fumiko Zusuki, p.m. and Sr. Teresa Quyen, p.m.

In the morning, the group together with Sr. Albina Agad, pm, Ms. Ma. Corazon Suñga, Basic Education Principal and Mrs. Jessica Rabang, Community Engagement Service Officer had a brief historical-cultural tour in Barangay Mintal known to be the “Little Tokyo”. The highlight of the tour was the interesting stopover at the Marinette Learning Center in Salaysay where little children learn the 3Rs and the values of Blessed Marie Rivier. This is one of the community outreach programs of HCCC.

The next day, they visited Holy Cross of Malita Kiasan Branch, an Indigenous People (IP) school which serves the tribal people of Tagakaulo by giving quality education that is genuinely appreciative of their culture.  In going to the school, the visitors climbed mountains with challenging but exciting rides on a motorcycle with the expert drivers of the place.  Upon their arrival, Rev. Fr. Joey G. Evangelista, MJ (Missionaries of Jesus) together with his mission team warmly welcomed the visitors with the kindhearted Tagakaulo people.  The 96 pupils from Kindergarten to Grade 4,  enjoyed the presence of  their Japanese visitors.  It was such a one of a kind, joyful experience of friendship and sharing.       

Community outreach programs such as school visitation enhances learning. As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words” but in this case the school visit is worth a thousand brochures.  Students of Kenmei Academy, HCCC and HCM got learning from one another in many wonderful ways.

Sr. Lorna B. Murillo, pm, HCCC School President and Sr. Elizabeth L. Garrote, p.m., HCM School Director, expressed grateful appreciation to Sr. Mei Nakanishi, pm, Kenmei Academy School Head, for this opportune chance of having school visitation. Special thanks is due to the Japanese students for sacrificing a little bit of their meals to save for this Philippine School visit.

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