Prayer of  THANKSGIVING for the  Canonization of  BLESSED MARIE RIVIER

December 13, 2021         

Pope approves French nun for sainthood

Pope Francis on Monday received in audience Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints, and authorized him to promulgate 6 decrees regarding 2 miracles…. One of the miracles was through the intercession of  Blessed Marie Rivier of France, who will be declared Saint. (source: Vatican news, December 13, 2021)


Future Saint Marie Rivier


The Chronology of the Process of the Canonization

Part I

1842 – 1983

February 3, 1838: Death of Marie Rivier


The Opening of the Diocesan process begun by Bishop Guibert. The writings of the Servant of God are given to him.

This is the stage of the information inquiry on her reputation for holiness and miracles.

There were 42 witnesses including M. Vernet and 15 sisters with a recording of the testimonies given under oath.

 June 17, 1850

The body of Marie Rivier was exhumed in the presence of Bishop Hippolyte Guibert (Bishop of Viviers) and Msgr. Dabert, Vicar General.

On this day, the first recognition of the remains of the foundress took place.

On the door that closes the tomb which contains her exhumed body, was engraved:

Here lies our Mother Marie Rivier, Foundress and First Superior of the Congregation of the Presentation of Mary, born in Montpezat, December 19, 1768, died in Bourg Saint Andéol, February 3, 1838. De Profundis.


The various procedures were sent to Rome, supported by letters from 25 bishops, and forwarded to Pope Pius IX. On May 12, 1853, Pope Pius IX declared Marie Rivier Venerable, whom he is pleased to call the ‘Woman Apostle’.


Pope Pius IX received the letters from the Bishops requesting the beatification of the Servant of God, Marie Rivier: “It is a beautiful life,” said the Supreme Pontiff, “a beautiful life that of the Venerable Mother Rivier, a marvelous life of zeal. On May 19, His Holiness developed the same sentiments in his letter to the Bishop of Viviers :

“ The foundation of the Institute of the Presentation of Mary, its development and its works attest well to the charity and zeal of this venerable Virgin who, towards the end of the last century, when our holy religion and its ministers were violently persecuted, undertook with virile courage, with no other support than trust in God, to sow the Catholic faith in the hearts of children, to revive it in the young girls and women assembled and exhorted by her, to spread it at last, not only in the people among whom she lived, but also in every place with the help of a new congregation, which she formed at a time when religious communities were severely proscribed…”.


From the year 1870, the voluminous process relating to virtues and miracles was translated and printed. Pope Pius IX, by his decree of December 22, 1870, authorized the Sacred Congregation of Rites to begin without delay the investigation into the heroicity of the virtues of Mother Rivier.


On November 17, 1873, Pius IX, writing to the Bishop of Viviers, witnessed to his desire to hasten the success of the cause of this Venerable Virgin, who was animated by the spirit of God, while all orders in France were troubled and overthrown, the priests persecuted, exiled, and led to torments, devoted her efforts, with astonishing perseverance and courage, to defend our holy religion, to procure the salvation of souls, and left us as a legacy of her zeal, the excellent and numerous family of the Presentation of Mary. We must, therefore”, adds the Supreme Pontiff, “ask God to turn away anything that might stop or delay the progress of this cause and be willing to bring about its prompt and happy outcome. »


  On June 15, 1890, Pope Leo XIII pronounced the Decree of the heroicity of the virtues.

The miracle is still lacking.  The process would be long; the First and Second World Wars would slow down the progress of the cause… and the wait for a miracle.

June 8, 1903

Because of political difficulties (1902-1905), the teaching congregations were threatened with suppression. In 1903, Mother Saint Seraphine, Superior General, with the consent of her Council, asked from The Sacred Congregation of Rites, through the intermediary of the postulator, the authorization to place the remains of the Foundress in security. The authorization was granted with the order of procedures to be followed. The Bishop of Viviers received the authorization on June 8, 1903.  


All legal formalities being observed for the opening of the tomb, the remains of Marie Rivier were placed into three security boxes. These boxes were placed in well-sealed containers and were entrusted to several trusted and well-known families of the Sisters, within and outside France.

June 4, 1934

Always in agreement with the Congregation of Rites, the containers of Marie Rivier’s remains were now placed in a single lead trunk. The Congregation of Rites gave permission to place this trunk inside the chapel.


February 3, 1938    The healing of Paulette Dubois

Paulette was born on August 3, 1930, in Bourg Saint Andéol, Ardèche (Diocese of Viviers).

Since December 1937, the child’s state of health had been deteriorating: The doctor has diagnosed an infantile acrodynia. The psycho-neuropathic and acroatological symptoms are there, fully present in the sick child. They are impressive, as was her sadness and anxiety as well as the pallor of her face.

Knowing their child’s illness, the parents asked their families and the sisters of Bourg St. Andéol to pray to Marie Rivier, their Foundress. They themselves, their families, the sisters, and the students began a novena of prayer to the venerable Mother Rivier. They were preparing to celebrate the centennial anniversary of her death.

The child was completely healed on the last day of the novena. On the evening of February 3, 1938, all signs of the illness disappeared instantly. No more physical and psychological traces of the illness. The child went from a serious condition to complete healing without any intervening recovery period. Several medical visits followed, and the child was found in excellent condition. 

Mrs. Paulette Dubois died in 2020. She was 90 years old.


The healing is retained and the miracle is studied. In December 1975, a commission of nine doctors met one last time and recognized Paulette Dubois’ healing as miraculous. But the dossier continued to drag on, and it took the dynamism and efficiency of Cardinal Palazzini, Prefect of the Causes of Saints, to reawaken the process. 


On November 27, 1981 the Pope officially recognized the miracle. The date of the beatification was set for Sunday, May 23, 1982. Paulette Dubois was present in Rome for the celebration of the beatification.

April 27, 1982

After having received all the authorizations, the trunk containing the boxes was opened in the presence of the authorities of the Diocese and the Congregation. The community was allowed to be present in absolute silence.

Each box was opened and contained a descriptive list of the contents. The doctor noted that the contents in each box were complete.

May 23, 1982

Celebration of the Beatification of Blessed Marie Rivier in the St. Peter’s Square, Rome.    

  May 21, 1983

The remains were placed in a reliquary, which is under the altar in the main chapel of the Mother House in Bourg St-Andèol, France.  


The Chronology of the Process of the Canonization

Part II

2017 – 2022


August 1, 2017

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints (CCS) officially accepted the appointment of Dr. Waldery Hilgeman, JUD as the Postulator for the process of the Canonization of Blessed Marie Rivier, an appointment made by Mother Angèle Dion, Superior General and approved by the Holy See. 


September 2017

In a few months time after her election, Mother Maria dos Anjos and her Council continued the serious work of documentation for the process of the Cause of Canonization of Mother Marie Rivier, our Foundress.


18 November 2018

The Postulators  arrived in Cebu International Airport, Philippines and they continued to travel by ship to the islands of Bohol.


19 November – 1 December 2018

Diocese of Tagbilaran

The Diocesan Inquiry in Clarin, Bohol 

                 (please click to read)


24 May 2019

The Prefect of the Congregation of the Causes of Saints, Angelus Cardinal Becciu, gave the positive Validation of the Acts made by the Diocesan Inquiry of Tagbilaran, Bohol.

On June 3, 2020

The Congregation  Approved the Summario.

28 January 2021

The Medical Board gave a positive opinion on the healing of the unborn child from the non-immunological hydrops fetalis. It declared that the case of healing for the Cause of Blessed Marie Rivier was scientifically unexplainable.


26 March 2021

The final copy of the Positio was submitted to the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. The Positio will be used for the discussion of the Theological Board.


June 8, 2021

The Theological Commission was unanimous on the request as a certain, direct and exclusive intercession of Mother Rivier.


December 7, 2021

The Bishops and Cardinals are meeting today on the Cause of Blessed Marie Rivier. This meeting was a defining moment.


December 13, 2021   

Pope Francis had approved the Cause of the Canonization of Blessed Marie Rivier. He authorized Cardinal Marcelo Semeraro, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate 6 decrees concerning 2 miracles and 4 heroic virtues. One of the miracles was through the intercession of Blessed Marie Rivier of France, who will be declared Saint. (Source: Vatican News, December 13, 2021)


March 04, 2022

The postulator Dr. Waldery Hilgeman represented our Congregation in the Consistory meeting. During the Third Hour prayer, Pope Francis with the Cardinals in the consistory hall has set the Canonisation date of Blessed Marie Rivier on May 15, 2022 along with nine other new Saints of the Church. The Postulator immediately made an announcement to the Congregation followed by the Message of Mother Marie dos Anjos filled with gratitude for the gift of God’s mercy upon our new Saint Marie Rivier.


March 5, 2022

Mother Maria dos Anjos called all the Sisters of the Congregation by Zoom meeting. The Congregation was in one voice in giving homage to our new future Saint,  Marie Rivier!


March 28, 2022

The Chasse or the reliquary that kept the remains of Blessed Marie Rivier was opened in preparation for her Canonization. The celebration of the opening of the reliquary was held in the main chapel of the Mother House in Bourg St-Andeol.


May 15, 2022

Blessed Marie Rivier was canonized by Pope Francis at Saint Peter Square along with 9 other new Saints in the Church.     


Please visit our new website:

We are glad to welcome you to the new website of Saint Marie Rivier: You can follow all the events around the Canonization day and the post- Canonization events on its pages. 

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