General administration

I heard the voice of the Lord saying:
Who will I send? Who will be our messenger?
And I answered: Here I am : send me!
Is 6,8.

Authority in the Congregation is essentially spiritual.
It comes from Christ through the mediation of the Church and is exercised in his name:
it must always manifest love.


Sister Teresa Carolina de Carvalho was born in Mozambique on April 16, 1970. She made her first profession on February 1, 1992, and her perpetual vows on November 20, 1999. After completing her formation as a Portuguese language teacher, she taught in two state schools.                                                                                                                 

Her various parish ministries, in particular youth ministry and liturgical animation, were privileged spaces for her to express the apostolic zeal of Saint Marie Rivier. After graduating in Religious Sciences and Moral and Civic Education, she was called to serve as mistress of postulants and novices for nine years, then as Provincial Superior for eight years. She thanks God for the grace of serving on the Permanent Council of the Conference of Religious of Mozambique -CIRMO-. In 2025, she will end her term of service as a member of the Executive Council of the Conference of Major Superiors of Africa and Madagascar -COSMAM- and at the same time a member of the Council of the Conference of Religious of the Southern African Region.

The various meetings at both Church and Congregation level have been a real school of faith for her. Her participation in the service of the Congregation as a member of the General Administration is now an opportunity to grow and continue to live the YES she gave on the day of her first profession.“Remain in me and I will remain in you” . (Jn 15:4) is the text that enthuses and encourages her at every moment of her life.


Sister Marie Mberry Diatta of the Province of Senegal/Burkina Faso was born on September 27, 1965 in Diembéring in the Region of Ziguinchor. She made her first profession on September 8, 1989 in Gambia.

Since then, she has had the joy of living many experiences: accompaniment of young people in the pastoral care of young Scouts and Guides and of young sisters in temporary vows, vocational awakening, local superior, provincial councillor, and provincial assistant.
After a few years teaching in elementary school, she took a course in accounting and finance management, which helped her in her work as provincial bursar for several years. She also received some formation in pastoral care and spiritual accompaniment. For the past three years, she has been in charge of the Mont-Thabor Spiritual Center. This mission has given her the opportunity to cultivate attentive listening skills. She enjoys sports, reading, listening to soft music and relaxing in community.                                                                                               

The Word of God that has always stimulated her is: “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercy of God, to offer your persons as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God…”. (Romans 12).


Sister Jane Wilkinson was born on June 19, 1958 in Rochester, England. After a degree in French, she turned to teaching, but soon realized that this was not her vocation and retrained as an occupational therapist. She thoroughly enjoyed her work with the elderly, especially those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, and was happy to be a presence of Christ in care homes and public hospitals, first in England, then in France.
She met the sisters of the Presentation of Mary during her studies and was struck by their joy and also by the person of Marie Rivier. She made her first profession on November 24, 1989. After 11 years in Exeter, she was called to France, where she lived for 23 years. She was named Provincial Superior of France in 2016.
Being by the sea soothes and refreshes her. She loves walking, watching rugby and reading. The word of God that has always set her in motion: “This is what the Lord asks of you: to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).


Sister Michelle Antoinette Kujabi was born in Bwiam, Gambia, on January 13, 1969. She was born the year the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary opened a convent in Bwiam. She began her postulancy in October 1988 in Fajara. She made her first profession on September 28, 1991 and her perpetual vows on December 27, 1997 in Thiès, Senegal.

She trained at Gambia College, graduating as a teacher in primary and higher education. In 1999, she attended the “Formation of Formators” course in Rome organized by the UISG. In October 2000, she was named mistress of postulants and continued to teach at the Saint Therese upper basic school. In 2006, when Gambia became a Mission, she was appointed Bursar, a position she held up until the General Chapter. To facilitate her work as bursar, she completed a training program in accounting. As a teacher, she spent three years in elementary school and five years in the upper basic cycle.

In the Region of the Gambia, she has worked in pastoral care, particularly with women belonging to the Saint Marie Rivier Associates. In 2016, she was named Regional Councillor and in February 2022, she became Regional Assistant. In her spare time, she enjoys socializing and gardening. The Word of God that she lives by is 2 Cor. 12: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.


Sister Danielle Duplessis was born in Sherbrooke, Canada, on April 19, 1951. She comes from a family of seven children. Before joining the congregation in 1995, she worked in a bank, volunteered for a telephone helpline and worked with women in difficulty, while also studying psychology. She subsequently worked as a psychologist in primary and secondary schools, as well as with adults.

As a member of the community, she obtained a specialized diploma in Ignatian spiritual accompaniment and has given training courses. She has worked in pastoral care with children and in various movements with teenagers, in addition to spiritual accompaniment with adults. She has been a provincial councillor, superior and responsible for the consecrated laity. She enjoys crosswords, reading and walking. The Word of God that challenges her: “Enlarge the space of your tent” (Isaiah 54:2).


Sister Gina Mae Campugan was born in Davao City, Philippines. She was a student of the Sisters of the Presentation of Mary in High School. Her fascination with science made her fall in love with God, and the life of Saint Marie Rivier attracted her to become one of her daughters. She joined the congregation in its bicentenary year, 1996, and made her first profession on May 1 of the jubilee year, 2000.
She is a mathematics teacher by profession and a youth minister by passion. Her apostolic experiences include school administration, vocation promotion, spiritual direction, youth ministry inside and outside school, social action ministry, environmental advocacy and animation of the Associates of Marie Rivier. She has also served as local superior, provincial councillor and secretary of the Philippine province, and social communications officer for a diocese.

She loves teaching, learning languages, reading, listening to people, giving retreats, leading recollections, creating games and editing videos. She joyfully believes that: “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it” (Luke 11:28).

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